Sharing on a Sunday

I managed to squeeze in a bit more crafting time this morning before I have to make a start on marking my Literacy books and doing some of my Masters coursework.

This first card is for Waltzing Mouse's Sketch Challenge #71 and Cupcake Crafts Challenge #165 to use denim and lace. I couldn't decide which one out of Baja Breeze or Marina Mist was more of a denim colour, so I used both to be on the safe side LOL¬ I love how this one turned out - so soft and pretty!


My next picture is a matching set of cards for Papertrey Princess Sue's challenge and for Make It Monday Challenge #38 to brayer over a debossed image using one of their impressions plates. I totally love this Mehndi Medallion plate, but have never used it so out it came. I did monotone colours and am so pleased with how they came out. Cute little cards are so perfect for a little gift, so I will be making a matching box at some point for these to go in.


My final project was a quick little Hallowe'en decoration that I actually started last week but never finished! I'm going to enter this one in Stampin' Royalty's Challenge #95 Halloween - the first time I think I have ever entered the same challenge twice, but I totally love this one and so different from the card I did for my other entry.

And here are some close ups of each lolly.


And that's all for today folks! Thanks for stopping by!

Ink 'n; Splatter New Release Inspiration Post

Good afternoon and welcome to my DT post for the new releases from Ink 'n' Splatter . This month, we see this faboolous new Hallowe...